
Movi Smartphone Cinema Robot: turn your iPhone into a real movie camera

If you've ever been around video or film makers, you've surely noticed, in addition to cameras and cameras, a lot of devices and accessories that allow you to shoot at different angles, from different heights and generally help achieve exceptional video effects. These accessories, which are often very expensive, are taken care of by the Freefly company. But now they offer us something very affordable and fun.

Movi Smartphone Cinema Robot is a device that will be yours iPhone turned into a movie camera.

It is a gimbal stabilization system (gimbal), which, unlike the others, can now also be placed on the floor. Freefly say they've 'taught Mov all their tricks' and added a lot of fun recording modes like Majestic, Echo, Time-lapse, Movilapse and Orbit.

You will use the app to connect Movi to your iPhone and thus edited their recordings on the fly. In basic mode May Movi rest in peace, and in the rest it will be started his motorbikes and se moved around the room and hunted the most interesting recordings.

Since Movi is primarily intended for action shots, Freefly 'dressed' it up in durable and solid plastic housing, where it is also hand control with buttons.

The price for Movi is 299 euros.

Gallery: Movi Smartphone Cinema Robot - let your iPhone become a real movie camera

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