
Movie premiere: Kidnapped 3

In the third part of the action hit Kidnapped, the actor Liam Neeson shines again in the main role, who as a former agent tries to protect his daughter and clear his name.

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4 € - 6 €

Liam Neeson in the third part of the famous franchise "Taken" returns as retired agent Bryan Mills. His return to a peaceful life does not exactly go according to plan, as he is wrongly accused of murdering his ex-wife in his Los Angeles apartment. On the run and with Detective Frank Dotzler (Forest Whitaker) hot on his heels, Bryan Mills (Liam Neeson) must use all his skills one last time to track down the real killer, prove his own innocence and protect the only loved one he has left - his daughter.

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Action thriller
Kidnapped 3
(Taken 3, France, 2014)
Directed by: Olivier Megaton. They play: Liam Neeson, Maggie Grace, Famke Janssen, Forest Whitaker

8/1/2015, Coliseum

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