
Movie trailer: Amy

Amy Documentary (2015)

Amy is a poignant documentary film about the singer Amy Winehouse, who died too soon, signed by the British director Asif Kapadia. The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, and will soon be released on standard screens. The production of the film, which follows the life of one of the most talented British singers in general and comes four years after her death, also involved producer James Gay-Rees, who together with Kapadia "cooked" the already award-winning documentary about Ayrton Senna.

The documentary Amy paints the late British singer as a victim of success. In it we find many more unreleased recordings, among which there are no interviews that the world has already seen. It's a similar tactic Asif Kapadia already picked up at Senna. Med archive footage, where her musical greatness is presented through her own words, he therefore only mixed fresh interviews with parents from Amy. This one, let's remember, is in 2011 at the tender and notorious among cult musicians, she died of the consequences at the age of 27 alcohol poisoning.

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Four years after her death, Amy Winehouse is getting her own documentary.
Four years after her death, Amy Winehouse is getting her own documentary.

Despite her short life, Amy Winehouse entered among the music legends, and in the documentary, in addition to unseen footage, some are also published songs, which due to the sudden death of the multiple Grammy winner until now (yet) they did not find their way among the listeners. Yes, Amy may not be physically with us anymore, but she will always be sung by her songs that she poured into your soul and heart, to paraphrase the creator of the touching documentary.

Info Box

Documentary film
(UK, 2015)

Direction: Asif Kapadia. They are performing: Amy Winehouse, her parents

In the cinema from June 11, 2015.

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