Finding Dory is the sequel to the animated hit Saving Little Nemo, which follows the cute little fish Dory, who "stole the show" in the 2003 animated cartoon with her supporting role, and 13 years later she returns to the big screen in the main role. After finding Nemo, we will now be looking for the very talkative but forgetful Dory, voiced again by comedian Ellen DeGeneres, which promises a new dose of fun for the whole family.
Finding Dory is the story of a lovable but rather demented blue fish without short-term memory, who helped Merlin, Nemo's father, look for his son in the animated film Saving Little Nemo. The story of Dory, in which role she returns Ellen DeGeneres, will be happening one year after the events of Saving Little Nemo, and the roles will be reversed. Dory will not only take on the main role, but she will also be the one we will be looking for, and in the meantime we will get to know her family. In addition to the new characters and the mentioned trio, the rest of the supporting characters are also returning. He grabbed the director's baton again Andrew Stanton, who directed the Oscar-winning Nemo.
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He also returns alongside Ellen and Stanton Albert Brooks (like Marlin), and among the voices we find more Diane Keaton, Eugene Levy, Dominic West, Idris Elba and Williem Defoe. Will the sequel to Saving Little Nemo also bring Pixar Academy Award for Best Animated Film? We'll find out in 2017, and we'll be able to watch Finding Dory from June 2016.