
Movie Trailer: Get on Up - The James Brown Movie

At the end of the year, the cinemas will also be colored by music, because in the last breath of November, the film about James Brown, "Get on Up", is coming. Chadwick Boseman lent voice and stature to the soul and funk legend, while Brown's musical opus lent the title to the biographical drama. Under the direction of Tate Taylor ("The Help"), the film takes us through the entire life span of the "godfather of soul music".

James Brown he not only climbed the social ladder with music - it pulled him out of the abyss of poverty and crime - because he 96 his songs climbed the Billboard charts Hot 100. The creators of the film wanted to convey all his soul soul and funk on the canvas, so they invited just three screenwriters (by Steven Baigelman, Jez Butterworth and John-Henry Butterworth).

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Which James Brown song comes to mind first?

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Brown was known as one of the greatest garage's entertainment business and since Hollywood holds a similar title, it is not surprising that the singer of the Rolling Stones is also behind the film, Mick Jagger, and his production company Jagged Films and Brian Graze, who already combined film and music in the film "8 Mile".

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Biographical drama
Get on Up
(Get on Up, USA, 2014)
Directed by: Tate Taylor. They play: Chadwick Boseman, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Nelsan Ellis, Lennie James, Tika Sumpter, Jill Scott, Dan Aykroyd.

From November 27, 2014 in the Coliseum.

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