
Movie Trailer: The Hacker

It used to be hacked through doors and windows, today it's all about hacking into computer networks, which is also the subject of the movie Hacker, where Chris Hemsworth (known as Thor with the hammer) finds himself between a rock and a hard place as a convicted hacker when must help the authorities and their Chinese partners to help tighten the noose around the neck of the hacker network, which initially strikes where the system hurts the most - money.

Cyber blood flows through our way of life and computer networks have become our peripheral nervous system. With increasing connection between the world and the system a new, sophisticated form of crime has evolved, turning computers into powerful weapons. Z intrusions not only our identities became threatened, but also money, secrets and power over systems. And the movie Hacker takes us into the hornet's nest cybercrime, who can only cope with it hacker.

Chris Hemsworth wields a gun instead of a hammer this time.
Chris Hemsworth wields a gun instead of a hammer this time.

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So the authorities decide to seek help from a hacker who hears the name Hathaway (Chris Hemsworth) and who is serving a 15-year sentence with the group American and Chinese partners he presses the runner against the wall network of hackers. Because cyberspace knows no classic territorial boundaries, the hunt for modern-day criminals moves from Chicago to Los Angeles and to Hong Kong and Jakarta.

Info Box

Action thriller
A hacker
(Blackhat, USA, 2015)

Direction: Michael Mann. They play: Chris Hemsworth, Viola Davis, Tang Wei, Wang Leehom.

In Slovenian cinemas January 2015.

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