In the sequel to Horrible Bosses 2, Nick, Dale and Kurt together decide to become their own bosses by starting their own company, but now a skilled investor appears who wants to make things difficult for them. In such a situation, the only solution is for the amusing investor trio to get rid of themselves as quickly as possible.
The comedy, which already with the first "trailer" promises plenty of laughter and unforgettable scenes, this time ended up in the hands of Sean Anders, who is also known as the director of the films "That's My Boy" (2012) and "Sex Drive" (2008).
They resumed their old roles Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, Jason Sudeikis, Jamie Foxx and Kevin Spacey, and now they are joining them again Chris Pine and Christoph Waltz. The film is coming to our cinemas already November 27.