
Movie trailer: Jane Got a Gun (2015)

Jane Got a Gun is an upcoming American Western starring Oscar winner Natalie Portman, last seen as Thor's scientist and love interest in the Marvel sci-fi film of the same name. This time, she's not dealing with forces from a parallel world, but with a cruel gang of outlaws who are threatening to kill her, her husband and their young daughter.

The movie Jane Got a Gun had many problems on the way to the goal, as almost all the original members of the cast in front of and behind the camera resigned from the project. He was in the pulleys as Jane Hammond (Natalie Portman). Her life and the lives of her husband and daughter hung in the balance after she turned against them a gang of outcasts Bishop Boys with cruel leader Colin (Ewan McGregor), of which her husband Bill Hammond – Ham (Noah Emmerich), now badly wounded by his own gang, who betrayed him. Jane has no choice but to take matters into her own hands, but before that she has to turn to ex-fiancé Dan Frost for help (Joel Edgerton).

READ MORE: The latest trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

Natalie Portman and Joel Edgerton in Jane Got a Gun.
Natalie Portman and Joel Edgerton in Jane Got a Gun.

And as Jane Got a Gun managed to do, which is essentially Django: Unlocked (just replace DiCaprio with McGregor and his wife with his daughter), reach cinemas, we believe that in this relentless battle for life her family, in which she also has to face her past, Jane also succeeded. And no, the movie has nothing to do with Aerosmith's Janie's Got a Gun, except that Jane is also on the run and has a gun.

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Western, drama
Jane Got a Gun
(USA, 2015)

Direction: Gavin O'Connor. They play: Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, Noah Emmerich, Joel Edgerton, Rodrigo Santoro, Boyd Holbrook.

In the cinema February 2016.

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