
Movie Trailer: Life (2015)

Life (2015)

The English actor from the big screen, Robert Pattinson, who became famous with the vampire saga Twilight, has proven to be more than just a teenage idol many times. Admittedly, the screaming teenage girls didn't stop, but this experience came in handy when filming the James Dean biography Life. Admittedly, he did not portray the famous actor himself, who personifies the term rebel without a cause - Dane DeHaan stepped into his shoes - but a photojournalist who sees something more in the then unknown actor.

Robert Pattison is a name that repels many. The connection with the Twilight saga is just too strong. But the British actor has proven himself several times in mature roles, so he is not just a cute face for screaming teenage girls. He proved this in the films Bel Ami, Cosmopolis, Water for Elephants, Don't Forget Me and Path to the Stars. In the movie Life, a biography about James Dean, the late cult actor known for his typical rebel pose and cigarette in hand, plays by photojournalist Dennis Stock, who wants to write a story about him for Life magazine. Dean (Dane DeHaan) invites him to join him in Los Angeles, New York and Alabama, and during this time a friendship develops between them.

DeHaan and Pattison as Dean and Stock.
DeHaan and Pattison as Dean and Stock.

Stock works black and white photos, which later become famous, and were recorded in 1955, the same year that it is "Rebel without a cause" died in a car accident aged only 24 years.

READ MORE: Movie Trailer: The Night Before (2015)

He directed the film Life Anton Corbijn (A Most Wanted Man), and in addition to the aforementioned duo, they also have prominent roles in the biography To Ben Kingsley and Joel Edgerton.

Watch James Franco portray James Dean in 2001:

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Biographical drama
(Canada, Germany, Australia, USA, 2015)

Direction: Anton Corbijn. They play: Robert Pattinson, Dane DeHaan, Ben Kingsley, Joel Edgerton, Alessandra Mastronardi, Stella Schnabel, Michael Therriault, Kristen Hager, Kelly McCreary.

In the cinema from September 9, 2015.

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