
Movie trailer: Love 3D, the most explicit movie of the century so far

Movie Love

The erotic drama Ljubezen 3D is coming to our cinemas, full of hot sexual scenes that are not suitable for audiences under the age of 18. Director Gaspar Noé breaks all taboos with his film, so we are not surprised that it was the film Love that attracted the most attention and raised the most dust at Cannes this year.

The movie Love in 3D is the latest film of the renowned director Gaspar Noét (Irreversible, Into the Void), eerotic drama with the most explicit sex scenes ever, that we have ever seen on the movie screen.

About the story:

January 1, early in the morning. The phone rings. Murphy he wakes up next to his young wife and their two-year-old child. He listens to the message Electra's mother left for him: she is very worried and would like to know if Murphy heard anything from her daughter. Electro namely, she has been missing for some time and she is worried that something has happened to her. In the long rainy day that follows, Murphy will find himself all alone in the apartment with memories of the greatest love affair he has ever experienced. He will remember the two years he spent with Electra; two years of burning lust, full of promises, games, excesses, mistakes... and of course sex.

READ MORE: Movie Trailer: The Big Short (2015)

Movie Love
Movie Love

Watch the trailer for the above Movie Love 3D (not suitable for under 18s!), recorded in 3D technique, which will be shown in our cinemas from October 29!

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