
Movie trailer: Our Brand is Crisis (2015)

The film Our Brand Is Crisis (2015

If you fight monsters for too long, you become a monster yourself. That's the dilemma Sandra Bullock faces in her latest film, Our Brand is Crisis, where the Oscar-winning actress transforms into Jane Bodine, a former top political strategist, who gets a chance to make a comeback when she's invited into the presidential race in this political comedy. in Bolivia in 2002. It is Bullock's first role after the film Gravity, where she is accompanied, among others, by Billy Bob Thornton, Anthony Mackie, Scott McNairy and Zoe Kazan.

A role in which she immersed herself Sandra Bullock (the first after Gravity, after which everything around her was as quiet as space after the Oscars) was initially intended for George Clooney (along with Grant Heslov, the film's producer and her co-star in Gravity), but when Bullock publicly asked some time ago if there were any roles where the producers wouldn't mind swapping the male role for a female one, he seemed Our Brand is Crisis, after Bullock showed interest in him, ideal.

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Sandra Bullock and George Clooney have joined forces once again.
Sandra Bullock and George Clooney have joined forces once again.

It is actually about a feature version of the Bolivian political documentary of the same name from 2005, except that the story is directed by the director David Gordon Gree posed much more comically (thanks goes mainly To Billy Bob Thorton as Pat Candy, Bodin's main rival) as his colleague Rachel Boynton, but the film is also with dirty political tricks, as found in Clooney's Ides of March.

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Comedy, drama
Our Brand Is Crisis
(USA, 2015)

Direction: David Gordon Green. They play: Sandra Bullock, Billy Bob Thornton, Anthony Mackie, Scott McNairy, Zoe Kazan, Ann Dowd, Joaquim de Almeida, Reynaldo Pacheco, Dominic Flores, Louis Arcella, Octavio Gómez, Dan Hewitt Owens.

In the cinema from October 30, 2015.

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