
Movie trailer: Ready Player One (2018)

The legendary director Steven Spielberg is coming back next year with a spectacular "blockbuster", where we will venture into the virtual reality of computer games.

Oscar winner has been making dramas in recent years, but even before that he was famous for summer spectacles like those from the franchise Indiana Jones, Jurassic park and many others. This time he set about reworking the book Ready Player One the writer Ernest Clin. It follows Wade Watts, who in a dystopian future years 2044 he is searching for a secret in the world of a virtual video game, with which he will inherit the fortune of the game's recently deceased inventor.

The film will be a remake of the book Ready Player One by writer Ernesto Cline.
The film will be a remake of the book Ready Player One by writer Ernesto Cline.

He will star in the lead role Tye Sheridan (The Tree of Life, X-Men: Apocalypse), and besides him, there are others announced for the film Simon Pegg (Hot bun), Mark Rylance (Bridge of Spies), TJ Miller (Deadpool) and Olivia Cooke (Bates Motel).


The film is announced for March next year.

Info Box

A science fiction adventure
Ready Player One

(USA, 2018)

Direction: Steven Spielberg. They play: Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke, TJ Miller, Mark Rylance, Simon Pegg.

In the cinema from March 30, 2018.

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