Snoopy and Charlie Brown - The Peanuts Movie is the fifth feature-length animated film based on the timeless Peanuts cartoon characters by Charles M. Schulz. With an animated film adaptation, they will honor the 65th anniversary of the publication of the comic book (1950), which was translated into 21 languages and marked many childhoods. Charlie Brown and his sister Sally, the dog Snoopy, Linus van Pelt with his blue little girl and the gang are celebrating this "tradition" through freshly synchronized animation, which can also be seen in 3D technology, to be passed on to today's children as well.
An animated family adventure Snoopy and Charlie Brown - it's a Peanuts movie dubbed into Slovenian and thus also suitable for families with children. The film was produced by the son and grandson of Peanuts author Charles Schulz, Craig and Bryan Schulz, who made sure that the film was worthy of the legacy of their father or grandfather, and he wielded the director's baton Steve Martino, who already signed the fourth sequel to the animated film Ice Age: Continental Shifts.
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An animated family adventure
Snoopy and Charlie Brown - The Peanuts Movie
(The Peanuts Movie, USA, 2015)
Direction: Steve Martino. Original voices: Bill Melendez, Noah Schnapp, Hadley Belle Miller, AJ Teece, Noah Johnston, Venus Schultheis, Alexander Garfin.
In the cinema from December 10, 2015.