
Movie Trailer: Stonewall (2015)

Stonewall Movie (2015)

Ronald Emmerich's American drama Stonewall (Independence Day, Attack on the White House) is stirring up dust even before it hits theaters, as the trailer for the film, which revolves around the famous riots in New York's Greenwich Village in 1969 that changed the course of history, is causing a lot of excitement. for the rights of the LGBT community in the United States of America.

Drama Stonewall foundations on the true events of June 1969, when the ensuing riots broke out in New York's Greenwich Village the raid on the Stonewall Inn (the birthplace of the gay rights movement), which was considered to be a rallying point for Latino and African-American transgender protesters (LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Homosexual), and the clashes have spawned many movements for LGBT rights in New York. Although the film summarizes the real events, the characters are fictional.

One throw of a brick changed everything.
One throw of a brick changed everything.

Danny Winters is placed in the center (Jeremy Irvine, The Maned Soldier), who ends up in New York when his parents kick him out of the house. Without broken steam and a roof over your head befriends a group that leads him to the Stonewall club, where he not only finds friends, but also problems. The Stonewallers are permanent target of discrimination and abuse. One a brick throw but it changes everything. Patience bursts like an elastic band and the fight for equality begins.

READ MORE: Movie Trailer: The Night Before (2015)

How and if the history audit was successful To Ronald Emmerich and did he really use too much "bleach" (so that he presents only white gay men), but you can check it out in cinemas in autumn.

Info Box

(USA, 2015)

Direction: Roland Emmerich. They play: Jeremy Irvine, Jonny Beauchamp, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Ron Perlman, Joey King, Caleb Landry Jones, Matt Craven, Atticus Mitchell, Mark Camacho.

In the cinema from September 25, 2015.

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