Arnold Schwarzenegger as Terminator is back again. After splashing out on the fourth installment of the franchise, he returns from retirement in the new film directed by Alan Taylor, Terminator: Genisys, which means the end of peace for all who cross his path. The year is 2029, the war between humanity and machines is in full swing, and John Connor's bad premonitions are taking concrete forms.
Terminator: Genisys is at work trilogy, which will have its final say in 2018. It's impossible to predict how far Schwarzenegger's character, synonymous with the franchise, will go, but given that his human tissue, i.e. the upper layer of the Terminator, old as it is not synthetic like his mind, his days are numbered as well. And while he's not bloody under the skin, he's not indestructible.
So much for rhyme with reality. But back to what we know. Rebel leaders, To John Connor, artificially intelligent and fixated on exterminating humans SkyNet, is preparing an unpleasant surprise. An attack from two temporal fronts- past and future, which will change the course of history forever. If John, his mother Sarah, and a graying Schwarzi succeed, it's like Terminator 2: Judgment day wouldn't happen. Check it out in the time-travelling trailer.
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This is how they are for us increased appetite, before we got the main course.
Science fiction thriller
Terminator: Genisys
(USA, 2015)
Direction: Alan Taylor. They play: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emilia Clarke, Jason Clarke, Matt Smith, Jai Courtney.
In cinemas from July 1, 2015.