The New Mutants (2018) is no ordinary superhero movie. This is a true psychological horror film where five confused teenagers learn about their supernatural abilities. Trapped in some secret facility, they fight with themselves and try to shake off their past sins.
Five young mutants (Wolfsbane, Magik, Cannonball, Sunspot and Mirage) find themselves in some sort of creepy hospital where they have been locked up unknown forces. They are not yet aware of what powers they actually possess and how they can control them. In the desire to get rid of the theft as soon as possible, they fight with themselves and with your past sins.
A derivative of the film series The X-Men, which has become the most creative superhero franchise ever, is anything but a typical (yet another) superhero movie. There is no interpersonal drama, no grandiose conclusion. Simply put: it doesn't smell like Marvel. And that's why we can't wait for it! It hits theaters on April 13, 2018 (US).