
Movie Trailer: The Ridiculous 6 (2015)

Movie The Ridiculous 6 (2015)

The Ridiculous 6 is the second movie that will be served to the public by the American online provider of movies and other video content Netflix. It is a 180-degree turn, because after the war drama Beasts of No Nation, viewers will be assaulted with a comedy western starring Adam Sandler. And what's the funniest thing about it all? The fact that a trailer with quite a few star names even exists!

The Ridiculous 6 is a comedy western starring Adam Sandler, with cowboy hat and spurs also donned by Steve Buscemi, Will Forte, Taylor Lautner, Nick Nolte, Danny Trejo, Terry Crews, Luke Wilson and Rob Schneider. The film is a parody of classic westerns, and it especially indulged in the cult film The Magnificent Seven.

READ MORE: Movie trailer: Jane Got a Gun (2015)

Adam Sandler in The Ridiculous 6.
Adam Sandler in The Ridiculous 6.

The movie The Ridiculous 6 is about the cowboy Tommy aka White Knife (Sandler), an orphan raised by Native Americans, who one day learns that he has five brothers.

Info Box

A comedy western
The Ridiculous 6
(USA, 2015)

Direction: Frank Coraci. They play: Adam Sandler, Steve Buscemi, Will Forte, Taylor Lautner, Nick Nolte, Danny Trejo, Terry Crews, Luke Wilson, Rob Schneider.

On view from December 11, 2015.

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