
Video clip for the song Kodama from under the fingers of producer 20syl

Have you ever wondered how many layers, how many different sounds an electronic composition consists of? But what makes these sounds? Wonder no more. In his latest video, the French producer 20syl (Sylvain Richard) stripped the song "Kodama", shattered it into its original parts like an accidentally knocked over porcelain vase, and thus created a wonderful display of the "anatomy" of the melody.

20syl is good at electronic music.
20syl is good at electronic music.

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He directed the video Mathieu Le Dude, which is in addition to synthesizers and some classical instruments, in it video minestrone threw in a few extra spices, such as drawing a giraffe, assembling a Rubik's cube, crocheting and the play of shadow and light, and at the very end he added a bit of morbidness to the 'landscape' with disembodied hands, which were Lively walked around the buttons and keys.

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