
Musical fusion and duration of Rudi Bučar and Istrabend

At the Celje Youth Center on April 12, 2013 at 9:00 p.m., Rudi will present himself as we are used to lately, in the company of Istraband's Janez Dovč (accordion) and Goran Krmac (tuba). At the concert, which will be dedicated to the presentation of fresh musical...

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Mariborska cesta 2, Celje
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V Celje youth center it will 12/04/2013 at 21:00 Rudi presented as we have been used to him lately, in society Istrabendbrothers Janez Dovč (accordion) and Goran Krmac (tuba). At the concert, which will be dedicated to the presentation of fresh musical material, Rudi, Janez and Goran will be joined by young music enthusiasts from the Celje High School, who HAWTHORN (Music Circle) connected by their professor Nina Šloser. Really good connoisseurs of Slovenian popular music may remember him as a former keyboard player in to the Nude group

Rudi Bučar is known on his native Obala for two things: his indestructible stage energy, which causes too many of his concerts to go deep into the night, and the enthusiasm with which he has been researching and presenting Istrian folk music for well over a decade. His musical opus includes three solo albums; he will also present the last one, Rudi Bučar and Istrabend, at his first solo performance in Celje. The album is a logical continuation of the previous ones, Kapot and Kambiament, with which he greatly contributed to the recognition of Istrian folk music and culture in general, except that on the last album he intervened in folk material with an even more convincing authorial swing. He added his own compositions to the folk ones, which, however, arranged in a similar way to the ones mentioned above, do not differ from the core of the musical material. The whole thing seems charming, intimate and bluesy in places. The two musicians who accompanied Rudi at the Celje performance also gave the album a recognizable stamp; harmonica player Janez Dovč and tubaist Goran Krmac. But the three musketeers will not be alone on stage, they will be joined by young musicians from the Celje High School of Health, who work in the GLOG Project. They have a special love for Slovenian music, including Rudi's.

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