
Mutt waiter

The Servant Shaft, Harold Pintar's absurd play, tackled by a young and talented team of theater artists under the name Mutasti Takar, is a tense and at the same time humorous play about two professional killers who are waiting for their next client. While waiting, messages are sent to them through the server shaft, which between them...

Important information
City Theater Ptuj, Slovenski trg 13, Ptuj
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 5 to 15 euros

Strežni jašek, absurdna igra Harolda Pintarja, s katero se je spopadla mlada in nadarjena ekipa gledališčnikov pod naslovom Mutasti natakar, je napeta in hkrati humorna igra o dveh poklicnih morilcih, ki čakata naslednjo stranko. Med čakanjem jima skozi strežni jašek pošiljajo sporočila, ki med njima sprožijo igro dvoma, strahu in napetega pričakovanja. Kdo je kdo, kdo bo koga, kako se bo zgodba razpletla, trenutno vedo le ustvarjalci: mladi režiser Jernej Kobal, dramaturginja Nuša Komplet in igralca Rok Kunaver ter Damjan Trbovc. 

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