The short film making marathon MUVIT/6x60 challenges creative filmmakers to an unforgettable adventure that will delight the most creative with a nice cash prize. Sign up too!
The first short film making marathon MUVIT/6×60 allows us to color this summer with filmmaking. Between August 18th and 21st, all movie lovers and connoisseurs are invited to join in the fun, create and compete for attractive prizes of a total value 3,000.00 euros.
MUVIT/6×60 is a film marathon where registered film teams write, shoot, edit and broadcast a short film in 60 hours. Applications are possible until Saturday, August 11, and the number of participating teams is limited to a maximum of 18.
For two and a half days, creative film teams will exchange their everyday reality for an exciting, emotionally charged, energetic, euphoric, creative, social, cinematic reality. Imagination will be able to show its full potential, improvisation will patch up critical moments, knowledge will lay the foundations, communication skills will connect and create a positive atmosphere. The short film's deadline and real-life situations will create an intensity and humor that will push the limits of individuals and the limits of what is possible.