

You are invited to MUZIKÜL - an evening of songs from musicals, full of singing, dancing, costumes and fun! In the company of musicians (Maše tiselj and Tanja Pečenko) and pianist Lovro Frelih, you will experience Broadway moments from musicals such as: Chicago, Cabaret, Phantom of the Opera, Sound of Music, Evita, Wicked, ...

Important information
Kulturni dom Grosuplje, Adamičeva 16, Grosuplje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
od 6 do 8 evrov.

You are invited to MUZIKÜL – večer pesmi iz muzikalov, poln petja, plesa, kostumov in zabave!

V družbi Muzikalk (Maše tiselj in Tanje Pečenko) ter pianista Lovra Freliha boste doživeli broadwayske trenutke iz muzikalov kot so: Chicago, Cabaret, Phantom of the Opera, Sound of Music, Evita, Wicked, Rent, Little Mermaid in mnogih drugih.

Primerno za vse ljubitelje mjuziklov in tiste, ki te zvrsti še ne poznajo, vendar se radi zabavajo ob dobri glasbi.

Vabljeni torej v četrtek, 2. decembra, ob 19.30, v Kulturni dom Grosuplje!

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