
MWC 2015: Microsoft's mobile foldable universal keyboard

Microsoft's mobile universal keyboard got a foldable version.

At the mobile conference MWC 2015, Microsoft's mobile universal keyboard, which is only half a year old, got a foldable version, which is equally intended for devices with the Windows operating system and mobile operating systems Android or iOS, and it has now added the missing Windows Phone OS to its list. Spill-resistant, durable, quickly adaptable, and above all, small, foldable and as thin as an empty men's wallet, it is an indispensable companion for a smartphone or tablet.

Basic information
Universal Foldable Keyboard
The price

Microsoft's mobile folding universal keyboard, officially called "Microsoft Universal Foldable Mobile Keyboard”, has a terribly long name, but it is therefore much less than her name on paper or screen, wastes space in your pocket or bag(s). We jump between mobile devices (phone and tablet). physical key (enough one click), for connection care bluetooth, was presented at a mobile conference MWC 2015 in Barcelona.

READ MORE: Computer Keyboard Shortcuts You Should Know (Windows)

When folded, it is held together by magnets, a battery that lasts up to three months, and hold it upright USB cable. If you want to think about it, prepare approx. 90 euros.

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