Working women need large handbags, almost travel bags. They always have a bunch of ideas for which they also need space in their bag. These women need Moja Moja handbags that embody a lively and mischievous personality. They are as big as travel bags, but trapped in a classic rectangular shape, cheerful colors, mischievous buttons, ...
Working women need large handbags, almost travel bags. They always have a bunch of ideas for which they also need space in their bag. These women need Moja Moja handbags that embody a lively and mischievous personality. They are as big as travel bags, but trapped in a classic rectangular shape, cheerful colors, naughty buttons, cute pockets and feel good around all casual clothes, cute dresses and high heels. The handbags from the 04 collection, in the timeless chic black and white combination, are somewhat more subdued.