
My life with me or Life, with love! Me

The closing performance of the initial group "Adults", Barica Blenkuš School of Drama, under the mentorship of Barbara Žefran. The performance takes the form of a series of monologues in which the characters...

Important information
Ljubljana Dance Theatre, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

Final performance of the initial group "Adults", Barica Blenkuš Drama School, under the mentorship of Barbara Žefran.

The play takes the form of a series of monologues in which the characters reflect on their biggest problem. The play tries to show the seriousness of intimate problems in a relative, perhaps ironic light. A person's intimate problems remain the same, only their causes change over time. We know how to solve some, some not, some are solvable, others are not.

Performed by:
Lara Bunta Črnigoj
Alenka Černe
Mojca Deželak
Urša Dolinar
Mateja Dolničar
Petra Kržičnik
Staša Novak
Polona Opar
Neža Vrhovec
Alenka Zdesar


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