Mary Katherine is a bright and stubborn seventeen-year-old who returns to her hometown to reconnect with her estranged and slightly eccentric father, obsessed with stories about tiny people who live in the woods. A teenage girl almost loses her patience when she miraculously finds herself in the middle of a mysterious forest, where a battle between...
Mary Katherine is a bright and stubborn seventeen-year-old who returns to her hometown to reconnect with her estranged and slightly eccentric father, obsessed with stories about tiny people who live in the woods. A teenage girl almost loses her patience when she miraculously finds herself in the middle of a mysterious forest, where the battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil is taking place. Kay quickly bonds with an elite group of warriors and a crew of comical and exaggerated creatures to help them save the world and find her way home. The animated adventure film can be watched dubbed into Slovenian and in 3D.