
Mysterious mental disorders our brains are capable of

7 Mysterious Mental Disorders Our Brains Are Capable Of.

It is often difficult to recognize a person suffering from a mental disorder, as the range of such illnesses is very wide. We have collected seven of the most mysterious syndromes that prove how mysterious the human brain is.

Quasimodo syndrome

Patients constantly look at themselves in the mirror, trying to find an angle from which the alleged defect is not visible.
Patients constantly look at themselves in the mirror, trying to find an angle from which the alleged defect is not visible.

It is a mental (physical) disorder, which manifests itself in obsessive thoughts about a highly exaggerated or imagined physical deficiency. Patients constantly look in the mirror, try to find an angle in which the alleged defect is not visible, refuse to be photographed in order to avoid the possibility of their alleged defect being caught in the photo, carefully take care of their appearance, have low self-esteem and feel uncomfortable in society, as they suspect that others notice their shortcomings and mock them.

The absurdity of this syndrome is captured in a silent short film Contracuerpo.


Those who suffer from erotomania, are convinced that it is a person with a higher social status fell in love with them. Patients believe that they are imaginary fans hint their affection with special signs, secret signals, telepathy and coded messages in the media. Even if the alleged lover directly says that he is not in love, the patient with erotomania understands this as part of a secret strategy.

This syndrome was captured on film Memories of love.

Capgras syndrome

A person believes that he is living a double life.
A person believes that he is living a double life.

Therefore syndrome the patient believes that he himself or a person close to him, replaced by a double or to live a double life. The patient may claim that he is all the evil deeds he did were done by his double.

The movie The Double reveals the essence of this disorder.

Adele syndrome

Adele syndrome it is the obsession that makes him a person pathologically in love. Doctors have recently recognized this syndrome as a mental disorder that threatens the health and life of an individual. The symptoms of the disease are similar to depression, but they can be much more dangerous, as they are manifested in confusion, self-sacrifice, ignoring the advice of friends and close people, unfounded actions and loss of interest in other topics and activities.

You can see the details of this syndrome in the story The Story of Adele H.


A person is not able to distinguish between dreams and reality.
A person is not able to distinguish between dreams and reality.

Cryptomnesia is a lack of memory in which the person cannot remember when a particular event occurred. She is unable to distinguish between dreams and reality. The source of the information is forgotten, and the person cannot figure it out, whether the idea belongs to her or to another person.

In the movie The Science of Sleep show exactly what this syndrome looks like.

Alice in wonderland

This one syndrome changes the patient's perception of objects and space. They can be perceived as smaller or larger, and in some cases they are objects too close or too far. The worst form of the disease is when a person improperly perceives his body: patients cannot understand the shape and dimensions of their own body. Such a view of the body consequently affects changes in the mental state.


Paraphrenia is a combination of paranoid delusions and grandiosity.
Paraphrenia is a combination of paranoid delusions and grandiosity.

Paraphrenia is a combination of paranoid delusions and grandeur. The patient's delusions are constantly accompanied by pseudo-hallucinations and false memories. They think they are rulers of the world, they claim immortality, divine origin ... People with this diagnosis behave very arrogantly and mysteriously.

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