
Myth or need: Does an adult really need 8 hours of sleep?

What happens to your body if you sleep 8 hours every day?

Photo: envato

Sleep is one of the most important activities for maintaining good health, but many studies and opinions about the ideal length of sleep often cause confusion. We often hear the recommendation of eight hours of sleep per night, but what actually happens in the body during this time? And do we all really need eight hours of sleep?

While eight hours of sleep remains a good approximation for most adults, it is essential to consider individual needs and sleep quality. Listen to your body and adjust your sleep habits as needed to ensure that your body and mind they are getting breaksk that you need. In this way, you will be able to really take advantage of all the advantages that offers a good night's rest.

Photo: Campus/Pexels

What happens to your body when you sleep eight hours a night?

Sleep is not only a time when our body "switches off". This is an active period in which vital processes for the restoration of body and mind take place. Several phases occur during sleep, which are repeated cyclically. Each phase has specific functions that are key to quality regeneration:

Med light sleep phase the body begins to prepare for deeper sleep; the heart rate slows down, the body temperature drops, the muscles relax and calm down, which allows the transition to the next, deeper phase of sleep. During this stage, the body is in a state of light rest, but the brain is still active and easily enters the stage of deep sleep, which is crucial for physical recovery, growth and development. During deep sleep, the body intensively regenerates, restores tissues, strengthens the immune system and accumulates the energy we need for the next day. This phase is essential for physical health and well-being. Then follows REM phase, known for rapid eye movements when the brain is very active. During this phase, intense brain processes take place, which are important for processing emotions, consolidating memory and learning. The REM stage is crucial for mental health, as it helps to process and organize the information received during the day.

Do you really need eight hours of sleep?

Although eight hours of sleep is the general recommendation, sleep needs vary from person to person. Some may need more, others less. Research shows that optimal amount of sleep it can vary between seven and nine hours. The key is to listen to your body and observe how you feel throughout the day. If you wake up rested and are active during the day, chances are your body is getting the sleep it needs.

Photo; Burst/Pexels

Why are you still tired after eight hours of sleep?

Even though you've slept the recommended eight hours, you may wake up tired for a number of reasons:

Quality of sleep is key to our daily functioning. If your sleep is frequently interrupted or if you spend too little time in the deep stages of sleep, this can lead to feelings of fatigue and reduce your ability to concentrate and be productive throughout the day. Besides, you can stress and anxiety have a strong influence on sleep. Emotional problems prevent the brain from moving into deeper stages of sleep, which further impairs sleep quality and can lead to a vicious cycle of insomnia. You can too Health issues, such as sleep apnea, interfere with the quality of your sleep. Sleep apnea causes short pauses in breathing during sleep, which often leads to frequent awakenings and a feeling of insomnia despite sufficient time spent in bed.

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