
Nail biting: what does this nasty habit say about you?

How do most people deal with negative emotions? They bite their nails!

Our poor nails already go through so much, and their condition only gets worse when we start biting them. Onychophagia (nail biting) not only destroys the nail, but can also lead to health problems such as infections and cracked teeth. Unfortunately, this bad habit is hard to break. Scientists defined it as a repetitive, body-focused disorder that usually helps manage stress and anxiety.

According to the research, published in the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, nail biting is also a sign that you are a PERFECTIONIST. The researchers conducted a study with 48 participants, half of whom had repetitive disorders that focus on the body (nail biting, touching, rubbing, skin scratching, lip biting, hair and hair pulling, ...).

Nail biting is a sign that you are a PERFECTIONIST.
Nail biting is a sign that you are a PERFECTIONIST.

The results of the research showed that people with this disorder showed signs organizational perfectionists, prone to overload, excessive planning and quick frustrations. Participants were then placed in 4 situations designed to make them feel stressed, frustrated, bored, and relaxed.

Situations related to the first three emotions caused those with these repetitive body-focused disorders to display their nervous behaviors, including nail biting.

"We believe that individuals with this repetitive behavior may be perfectionists, meaning they are unable to relax and complete tasks at their normal pace," said about the study its author, dr. Kieron O'Connor. "Therefore, they are prone to frustration, impatience and dissatisfaction when they do not achieve their goals."

In addition to perfectionism, nail biters are also said to be prone to being overwhelmed, over-planning and quick to get frustrated.
In addition to perfectionism, nail biters are also said to be prone to being overwhelmed, over-planning and quick to get frustrated.

How do they deal with these negative feelings? They bite their nails. If that sounds familiar, they do exist tricks, with which you can stop biting your nails, but of course you can talk about it you should also consult a doctor or a dermatologist.

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