
The healthiest oil for frying? You will be surprised what is better than olive and coconut

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered which oil is the healthiest for frying? Although many swear by olive or coconut oil, the truth is that neither is ideal for cooking at high temperatures.

Frying is often a popular method of food preparation, but the wrong choice of oil can be a health hazard. At high temperatures, harmful substances are released in many oils, which affect the quality of food and our health. Although olive and coconut oil considered healthy choices in certain contexts, they do not perform well when fried.

In fact, there is an oil that is much more suitable for this type of food preparation.

When frying, it is crucial to choose an oil that maintains stability at high temperatures, does not oxidize and does not lose nutrients. Here we will explore the healthiest frying oil that maintains its properties even at higher temperatures and ensures a healthy meal.

What is the best choice of oil for frying?

When it comes to frying, it is crucial to choose an oil that has a high smoke point. The smoke point is the temperature at which the oil begins to break down and release harmful compounds such as free radicals that can harm the body. With many popular frying oils, this happens sooner than you would like. Therefore, it is important to choose an oil that can withstand high temperatures without losing quality.

Avocado is very healthy. Photo: Foodie Factor / Pexels

Avocado oil is the one that stands out as the best choice for frying. Its smoke point is extremely high, which means it remains stable even at very high temperatures. This oil does not break down or oxidize at the temperatures used in frying. This makes it ideal for frying all kinds of food, as it maintains its quality and is safe to eat.

Why avocado oil?

Avocado oil it is not only suitable for frying due to its high smoke point, but is also rich in monounsaturated fats, which are known for their positive effects on cardiovascular health. In addition, it contains important antioxidants such as vitamin E, which helps protect the body from the harmful effects of free radicals.

Its neutral taste allows it to be used to prepare different types of dishes without changing their taste.

Use this oil. Photo: Campus / Pexels

The benefits of avocado oil when frying

One of the key benefits of using avocado oil is its ability to remain stable at high temperatures. A high smoke point means that the oil does not burn when frying and does not become a health hazard. This is especially important because many other oils, when they reach a certain temperature, form free radicals that can increase the risk of chronic disease.

In addition, avocado oil aids in the absorption of water-soluble nutrients fats, such as vitamins A, D, E and K. This contributes to the better nutritional value of dishes prepared with this oil, while maintaining safety at high temperatures.

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