
NASA: Photos that prove how fast our planet is changing

Glaciers are melting, seas are disappearing, cities are growing - this is what NASA satellite images show. These allow us to look at how humans are changing landscapes around the world. These are before and after photos that prove how quickly our planet is changing.

A little over a century ago, one of the first explorers took the first photographs of the glacier Muir in Alaska, in the same location that is unrecognizable today. By 2005, the glacier had completely shrunk and disappeared from view, the mountains covered with trees instead of snow and ice.
These photos are part of a collection Images of Change, exhibited by NASA in 2009. Each week, a team of researchers sifts through NASA's photo collection and photos of places and landscapes that are being created on the fly to select ones that demonstrate how fast cities are growing and how fast we are changing the landscape, or what impact climate change has on all of this.
Not every change is negative; a couple of pictures show how forests are growing back in Uganda and a couple of pictures show how air pollution is slowly disappearing in certain places in the USA.

READ MORE: Is this what the world will look like in the future?

Check out some before and after photos in the gallery that prove how quickly our planet is changing.

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