
Nationally colored snacks to follow the 2014 World Cup quarter-finals, part 2

We are entering another part of the 2014 World Cup quarter-finals, and thus another part of enjoying football and nationally colored culinary delights. Currywurst from Germany, French pancakes with an unexpected main 'star' and hot sauce and hot sausage from Argentina, where passion also reigns in the game of football... watching the game with such delicious accompaniment will make the 100% more enjoyable!

The possibilities for culinary indulgence are truly limitless, and if not the team we're rooting for at the 2014 World Cup, let the oven at least fulfill our wishes! Ideas on how to use it follow.

German Currywurst

Sausage. Synonymous with German cuisine, one of the few dishes with its own museum and the first choice of hungry fans. Thanks to a quick and free recipe, we will save our nerves for a tense match!

1 sausage and 1 crispy kaiser per person

Currywurst sauce

1 cup tomato ketchup
1 tablespoon hot chili sauce
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon black pepper
¼ teaspoon ground paprika
¼ teaspoon mild chili powder

German Currywurst
German Currywurst

Mix all the ingredients for the sauce in a bowl and leave it in the fridge, where the flavors should mix for a good two hours.

Cook the sausage, serve it on a crispy kaiser roll and pour currywurst sauce over it. For a complete experience of German cuisine, you can add sauerkraut and, of course, wash it down with a real bubbly drink.

La Galette Saucisse : France

French-style pancakes with an unexpected addition: sausage.


sausages (1 per person)
½ cup buckwheat flour
½ cup plain flour
½ cup of milk
2 eggs
1 teaspoon of salt
2 tablespoons of water

Galette Saucisse, France
Galette Saucisse, France


Mix all the ingredients for the pancakes and let them stand for a good hour. Heat the pan and make buckwheat pancakes from the mass.

To turn the galette into La Galette Saucisse, simply coat the pancakes with mustard and wrap them around the freshly baked sausages... Et voila! You are already enjoying a snack that is extremely popular at football matches in the French city of Rennes.

Choripan with chimichurri sauce: Argentina

Accompany hot Argentines and football, which they play with passion, with hot food.

Argentinian Chorizo sausage or Italian hot sausage
kaisers (to make them crispier, you can lightly toast them)

For the Chimichurri Sauce:

½ cup olive oil
¼ cup (red) wine vinegar
¼ cup water
½ cup chopped parsley
1 small onion (chopped)
3 cloves of garlic (chopped)
1 tomato (peeled, seeded and diced)
1 tablespoon of dried oregano
1 tablespoon of hot pepper (powder)
1 tablespoon salt flower
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon chili powder

Choripan with chimichurri sauce, Argentina
Choripan with chimichurri sauce, Argentina


    Mix all the ingredients for the sauce well in a bowl, cover it with plastic wrap and leave it in the fridge overnight. To ensure that the flavors of the karsed mix well and keep it fresh, remove the foil only about an hour before serving. Grill the sausages and spread the drained juice on the bread. You can also lightly toast them so that they are pleasantly crispy. Serve the sausages on kaiser rolls and generously cover them with Chimichurri sauce. Now the match can begin!

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