
Natural tricks to get rid of dry and dark elbows

Accumulation of dead skin, friction, extensive exposure to the sun, hormonal imbalance: these are some of the reasons for the appearance of dry and dark elbows. With these 10 tricks, you can fix this problem naturally and quickly.

That is 10 simple ones, but effective techniques that can help you eliminate dry and dark elbows.


For his own sake whitening effect cucumber is said to be one of the most effective ingredients for black elbow removal – should nourish your skin at the same time removed dead cells. Vitamins A and C, which are present in cucumbers, however they keep the skin beautiful and fresh.


Recipe: Gently rub the cucumber slices into your elbows for 15 minutes. After you finish the process, let the juices work for 5 minutes, then rinse the area with cold water.

Lemon and baking soda

Lemon is supposed to be great with skin whitening. Antioxidants and vitamin C are said to promote skin regeneration and improve its appearance. Baking soda, on the other hand, is said to work as an effective and gentle one cleaner for whitening dark surfaces.

Lemon and baking soda.
Lemon and baking soda.

Recipe: Cut the lemon in half. Sprinkle a spoonful of baking soda on it. Rub the mixture into your elbows for a minute, then rinse with warm water. Repeat the process once every two days.

Aloe vera and milk

Aloe vera contains substances that they help moisturize the skin and improve uneven skin tone. She should have too antibacterial and antifungal properties. The combination of aloe vera and milk is a simple and useful way to natural skin lightening.

Aloe vera and milk.
Aloe vera and milk.

Recipe: Mix equal amounts of milk and aloe vera gel. Apply the mixture on your elbows and leave it on overnight and wash it off the next morning. Aloe vera gel can also be obtained from the leaves of this plant.


Potatoes are rich in certain enzymes that can naturally lighten your skin's complexion. The daily use of potatoes should softened the skin and eliminated dark areas.


Recipe: Grate the potatoes and squeeze the juice out of them. Apply the resulting liquid to the skin and leave it on the skin for 15 minutes. Rinse the juice off the skin and apply moisturizer to the elbows. You can also gently rub the critical area with potato slices for 10-15 minutes.


Turmeric is supposed to be great a natural means of removing impurities and dead skin, as it contains in its composition curcumin, which reduces and regulates the excessive production of melanin, which is responsible for formation of dark spots.


Recipe: Mix turmeric powder with a spoonful of milk. Apply the mixture to your elbows and rub it in for a few minutes, then let it dry naturally. Wash the area with warm water. You can also add a little honey for a better effect.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is enriched with essential fatty acids and vitamin E, which are supposed to help repair dark and damaged skin.

Coke oil.
Coke oil.

Recipe: After a bath or shower, apply coconut oil to the affected areas. Rub the oil into the skin for 2-3 minutes until absorbed. You can also add half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to the oil.


Honey is supposed to act as natural skin moisturizer. It should be combined with lemon eliminated the dark spots on your elbows.


Recipe: Mix 2 tablespoons of honey, the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of baking soda. Apply the mixture to the dark areas and leave it on for 20-30 minutes.

Sugar and olive oil

Homemade scrub made from sugar and olive oil, it is supposed to nourish, moisturize and remove dead skin.

Sugar and olive oil.
Sugar and olive oil.

Recipe: Mix equal amounts of sugar and olive oil to make a fine mixture. Rub the resulting mass into your elbows in a circular motion for about 5 minutes. Repeat the peeling every week.


Oatmeal should, in addition to having good effects on your health, also contributed to beautiful skin.


Recipe: Mix the juice of half a lemon, half a tablespoon of oatmeal and a pinch of salt. Rub the mixture in circular motions for 10-15 minutes and wash it off with warm water. Repeat the process 3 to 4 times a week for best results.

Yogurt and vinegar

Content of acetic acid in vinegar and lactic acid in yogurt is supposed to help clear your elbows and create glowing skin.

Yogurt and vinegar.
Yogurt and vinegar.

Recipe: Mix a tablespoon of yogurt and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture to the skin and leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash off the mixture with warm water and repeat the process 3 to 4 times a week.

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