
Naughty but dangerous: 6 places where it is not wise to have sex in the summer

Naughty but dangerous: 6 places where it's not a good idea to have sex in the summer

In the hot months, we quickly like to indulge our passions, so we often do not choose the place and time. And it's true that in certain places sex is much more inviting, but it's not really recommended in these locations in the summer - these are 6 places where it's not wise to have sex in the summer.

At some point, we all get tired of indulging in the pleasures of the bedroom and spice them up by changing locations. In the summer, there are so many more options, but many tempting ones and perhaps even the most popular ones are not the most suitable for sexual intercourse and should be avoided, as we can experience many discomforts. Will they be able to resist?

6 places where it is not wise to have sex in the summer:

ON THE SAND BEACH: The beach is indeed a romantic location, but it is also a breeding ground for bacteria, so infections can quickly occur if you expose sensitive parts. If you don't want to cross the beach off the list, use a base so that the sand does not come into contact with the genitals.
IN THE CAR: A car is indeed convenient for sex, as you can drive away from prying eyes, but in the summer it can quickly get too hot and you can faint as a result. It may sound hair-raising, but very few people have sex with the windows open.
IN WATER: This rule has probably been broken by many people. If you use a condom, it can quickly come off, but more than that, you should know that water dries up the natural vaginal lubricant and intercourse can quickly become quite unpleasant.

Sex on a sandy beach is extremely romantic in movies, but much less pleasant in reality.
Sex on a sandy beach is extremely romantic in movies, but much less pleasant in reality.

IN A PUBLIC TOILET: If you care about your health, then avoid sex in a public toilet like the devil on the cross. Not only is sex in a public toilet uncomfortable and extremely unromantic, it is also hygienically unacceptable.
IN THE PUBLIC POOL: Sex in the pool is not recommended, mainly because of the high chlorine content in the water. This can cause inflammation and infection. They will also end up on camera, which they probably don't want.
IN THE MOUNTAINS AND THE FOREST: Because of the rough ground, you can get injured or get a tick where you least want it during sex in the woods or mountains. You may love peace and unspoiled nature, but comfort comes first.

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