You convince yourself that he loves you. Why aren't your efforts producing the desired results? If you find yourself in this whirlwind of thoughts, it's time to stop and face the truth.
Why does it seem like the harder you try, the further away it gets? Why do the words you choose so carefully go unanswered? Do you feel like you're being dragged into an abyss where your worth is no longer in your hands?
What to do instead of convincing yourself that he will love you?
In the moments when you feel like running after him, stop. Instead of focusing all your energy on someone who doesn't reciprocate, redirect it into yourself.
Don't run away from emotions, embrace them.
When you try to suppress your emotions, they don't dissipate - on the contrary, they become even more deeply embedded in your soul. Ignoring the pain It's like planting seeds that eventually sprout into something even more burdensome. Allow yourself to feel everything that's overwhelming you.
Don't be ashamed of sadness, don't run away from disappointmentInstead, accept the waves of emotions that come and let them flow through you. Every pain you feel is a step closer to your happiness.
Don't look for him, look for yourself.
Every time you think about him, turn your attention inward. What have you neglected lately? What have you always wanted to do but have been putting it off? Focus on your passions, on the things that make you happy, on the little moments that bring you peace.
Become the person you admire. Not for him, not for revenge, but for yourself. Awaken the dreams that died with him. Write, draw, travel, dance in the middle of the room. Live.
Stop sending messages that never get a proper response.
Waiting for his answer is like holding your breath hoping the air will turn sweet. Free yourself from that. Don't let your worth be determined by someone who is always only half-present.
Delete his number. Don't send him thoughts he won't appreciate. Instead, write them down for yourself, journal them, or say them over your morning cup of tea.
Stop at the door of the past
Don't go back to the places where you were once happy with him, hoping to find answers there. Those shadows of the past won't embrace you, they'll only remind you of what's no longer yours.
Don't review old conversations. Don't look for hidden meanings in his words. What's said is said. What's lost is lost.
Create a life where he is not the main story
The world is too big to be closed in his eyes. There are so many places you haven't visited yet. So many songs you haven't heard yet. So many people who will love you the way you want to.
Don't wait for the day he comes back. Don't cross off days on your calendar hoping that one morning he'll knock on your door. Build a life where his name is not the focal point, but just one of the faded words in the book of your past.
Allow yourself to be free.
Wake up without expectations. Breathe without a weight on your chest. Smile at a stranger on the street without thinking about them.
One day you'll be sitting in a cafe, drinking coffee and observed the world around you – and realized that you were okay. That he was somewhere far away, but you were here, strong, whole and free!