
Remember: When do we turn the clocks back in October and what does that mean for your sleep?

Photo: envato

As every year, the day in October is approaching when we will have to move the clock back an hour. Although it seems completely routine, this shift has divided people for decades between those who can't wait for an extra hour of sleep and those who are driven crazy by the clock shift. Do you know exactly when we change the clock this year and why this change is even necessary?

When do we change the clock? The change of clock happens twice a year - in spring and autumn. In the spring, we move the clock forward and an hour of sleep is "stolen" from us, which makes many of us nervous, while in the fall, the clock moves back and we have that magic hour longer. But why do we move the clock at all?

The story of clock movement begins in the 20th century, specifically during World War I, when it was first introduced as an energy-saving measure. The idea was simple - with the delay of the day, we would make better use of natural light and, as a result, use less artificial lighting. The first country to experiment with moving the clock was Germany, and later other countries followed suit.

Photo: envato

When do we change the clock?

Every year in October there is one special weekend waiting for us - the one when we can finally get an extra hour of sleep. This year, we will move the clock forward on Sunday, October 27, 2024, at exactly 3 a.m., when we will move the hands back to 2 o'clock. That means we'll sleep a little longer that night (or have extra time for nocturnal adventures if you're a night owl).

Does the clock shift even still work?

In modern times, the effects of moving the clock on saving energy are more questionable, and many even believe that moving the clock does more harm than good. For example, scientists have shown that this change can negatively affect our sleep cycles, causing fatigue, poorer concentration and even a greater tendency to have accidents. The first two days after the clock change are the most difficult for many - our body needs some time to adjust to the new rhythm. Although the fall shift is less stressful at first glance (because we get an extra hour), this change can also disrupt our sleeping habits.

Europe is considering ending the clock movement

Because of all these concerns, there has been much talk in recent years about the abolition of clock movement. Already in 2018, the European Union discussed abolishing the seasonal movement of clocks, namely that each country would choose whether to permanently use summer or winter time. However, the decision was not easy, which is why a unified solution has not yet been reached. Slovenia, as part of the EU, will have to follow the decision of the European Parliament, but for now we are still moving the clock.

Photo: envato

What should we do so that the movement of the clock will not confuse us?

Although we are all used to this twice-yearly change of clock, the same question always arises: "Should we set an alarm clock on Sunday night, or will the clock on our phone automatically save us from possible delays?" Fortunately, most modern devices such as smartphones and computers adjust the time automatically. But if you still have a wall clock or that old grandfather clock, don't forget to set it manually!

What's the easiest way to spend the shift of the clock?

In the end, of course, the eternal question remains: What is the easiest way to spend the change of the clock? Experts advise that you try to adjust your sleep schedule a few days earlier by going to bed a little earlier than usual. Also, avoid caffeine and heavy meals right before bed. This will allow your body to make an easier transition to the new time.

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