
Sunday creative workshop: Lupine chair

Designer Niko Kralj named one of his most successful chairs Lupina. It was produced in many variants: with different bases, covered in skay or textile. Niko Kralj was always looking for even better solutions for his products. We will also be making our own versions of Lupine and…

Important information
Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
free for children

Oblikovalec Niko Kralj je enega svojih najuspešnejših stolov poimenoval Lupina. Izdelovali so ga v mnogih izpeljankah: z različnimi podnožji, prevlečenega v skaj ali tekstil. Niko Kralj je vedno iskal še boljše rešitve za svoje izdelke. Tudi mi bomo izdelali svoje različice Lupine in ugotovili, zakaj stol nosi takšno ime.

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