
Never throw away bread again: Tricks that will keep your bread fresh for days - without much effort!

Photo: envato

We've all been in a situation where bread ages too quickly and becomes hard or dry. Instead of throwing it away, there are simple tricks you can use to keep your bread as fresh as if it just came out of the bakery. Did you know that with the help of plain water and an oven, you can revive your bread? Read on to find out how it's done.

First of all, it is important to understand why bread gets stale in the first place. When exposed to air, moisture begins to evaporate from it, leading to hardness and dryness. But don't worry, with a few simple steps you can prevent it from happening bread became useless. Here are some tricks to help you.

Tips to keep your bread crispy and soft

Water and oven

If the bread has already become hard, don't worry. One of the most effective tricks is water use. Simply place the bread under running water, then place it in the oven at 150-160°C for about 7 minutes. When you take it out, the crust will be crispy again, and the inside will be soft and pleasant.

Photo: envato

Proper storage

In order for the bread not to get old at all, the key is where and how you store it. Plastic bags prevent drying out, but at the same time they retain too much moisture, which can cause mold. It is better that bread store in a cotton bag or special bread containers that allow just the right air circulation.


If you know you won't use up the bread in a few days, you can you freeze. This way it stays fresh for several weeks. The key is to freeze it well wrap in foil or a freezer bag, and then, when defrosting, you first slowly warm it at room temperature and then reheat it briefly in the oven.

Photo: envato

By using these simple tips, your bread will always be fresh, crispy and soft, no matter how old it is. Remember that proper storage is key, as well as not keeping bread in plastic bags for long periods of time.

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