
Never throw away the coffee grounds! 10 ingenious ways to use it in your home

Coffee grounds and their use in the home!

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Photo: Pexels / Ann Tarazevich

Coffee grounds are extremely versatile, but few of us know how useful they can be in the household. Let's look at ten creative ways to use them!

Do you have sediment from your morning coffee accumulating at home and you don't know what to do with it? Most of us simply throw coffee away without realizing how useful it can be. Instead of coffee grounds ending up in the trash, you can use them in a variety of ways, from body care to cleaning and even gardening. With a few simple tricks, you can use coffee grounds to save money and live a more sustainable life. Here are ten clever and surprising ways to use coffee grounds in your household!

1. Natural body scrub

Coffee grounds are great for natural exfoliation. Coffee beans gently remove dead skin cells, while caffeine stimulates blood circulation and helps reduce cellulite. Mix them with olive oil or honey and apply to the skin.

2. Fertilizer for plants

Your plants will love coffee fertilizer! Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which promotes the growth of flowers and vegetables. They are especially useful for plants that like acidic soil, such as hydrangeas, rhododendrons and azaleas.

3. Natural odor remover

Do you have unpleasant odors in your fridge? Coffee grounds act as a natural deodorant, as they perfectly absorb unpleasant odors. Put them in a bowl and put them in the fridge, cupboard or even in your shoes.

Photo: Pexels / Ann Tarazevich

4. Pest repellent

Coffee grounds are a great natural repellent for snails, ants and even cats! Sprinkle it around your plants or in the garden to get rid of unwanted visitors.

5. Pot and pan cleaner

The coarse texture of coffee grounds is ideal for removing stubborn stains and dirt from pots and pans. Use them as a natural abrasive that will not damage the dishes.

6. Removing scratches on furniture

Have you noticed scratches on dark wooden furniture? Mix coffee grounds with a little water or olive oil and apply to the scratches. Leave for a few minutes, then wipe with a soft cloth.

7. Hand odor neutralizer

After chopping garlic or fish, the smell often lingers on the hands. Rub your hands with coffee grounds and the smell will disappear, and at the same time you will gently exfoliate your skin.

8. Natural dye for textiles

Coffee grounds are a great natural dye for fabric, paper or Easter eggs. Its tannins create a beautiful brown shade that will give the textile a vintage look.

Photo: Pexels / Polina Kovaleva

9. Cleaner for tools and flower pots

Coffee grounds can be used to clean gardening tools and pots. Their abrasive texture helps remove dried mud, while their natural antimicrobial properties help fight mold.

10. Help in surviving the winter

In winter, coffee grounds can be used as an alternative solution for sprinkling on slippery surfaces. They provide good grip on ice and snow melts faster due to the acid in the coffee.

Photo: Pexels / Imdennyz
With these practical and ecological tricks, you will use the coffee to the last bean. From beauty to the garden – coffee really is versatile!

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