
Nevermind – a game that knows when you're scared

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself," said Roosevelt way back in 1933, which has never been more true than in the computer game Nevermind. This one doesn't require you to have hand-eye coordination at the level of synchronized swimmers, the reflexes of the Flash, and the strategic skills of a general. What it needs is your fear. It thrives and grows with it.

He recognizes it through the being of your heart that communicates it heart rate monitor, and it's just like the one used by athletes around the chest, with the difference that it doesn't just accompany it, it uses it as a weapon against you. The faster your heart beats, the more horrible scenario waiting for you, or with words Erin Reynolds, the creator of the game, "the more scared you are, the harder it gets." If you don't manage to keep your fear on the leash, you will have a hard time getting to the end. And if we know that there is room for fear in the imagined role of a sci-fi psychologist who researches powerfully broken minds your patients, to spare, traumatic environments will put your composure and prudence in difficult situations to a severe test.

READ MORE: GTA V for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC is coming this fall!

See fears where there are none?
See fears where there are none?

A game Nevermind so it is not created just to keep you on your toes, but above all to learn manage stress. Erin taught Nevermind to take deep breaths in stressful situations. Today, therefore, he leads a more relaxed and peaceful life. If you have yourself low stress threshold this game is perfect to get a thicker skin.

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More information: nevermindgame.com

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