
The New American Home: How Will Americans Live in 2020?

How Americans will live in 2020

For the 35th consecutive year, the American National Association of Builders has built the New American Home, which contains all the recognized trends and styles of design and construction. The property that embodies the year 2020 is a 714 m2 house with as many as four bedrooms and five bathrooms, and it stands in Ascaya above the Las Vegas valley.

The value of the house is estimated at 5.7 million US dollars. In addition to the usual living spaces, the house also has a yoga studio, a wine tasting area, a swimming pool, a fireplace, two garages for as many as four cars, and a kitchen that opens onto a spacious terrace. There are solar panels on the roof, making the house self-sufficient in electricity. The house is located in a remote location, which raises the question of its sustainable nature, since the amount of emissions due to transportation from the house to the city and back will not be small.

The new 2020 American home features the latest technological solutions and highlights the contemporary desert architecture that Ascaya is famous for. This "oasis in the desert" is peaceful and calming, but because it is also equipped with the latest technological solutions (smart home), it offers a high quality of living. 

A house built by a company Sun West Custom Home, presents a vision for the construction of American homes in the year 2020.

Gallery: New American Home

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