
A new book from the Architecture Now!

Taschen, one of the biggest publishing houses, released some new editions for summer reading before the summer. The book Architecture Now! Houses. Vol. 3, by Philip Jodidia, is a follow-up to the previous Architecture Now! books.

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Houses. Vol. 3
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In 416 pages, the author presents 60 of the most stunning recently built houses from different parts of the world. As in the previous editions of the books Architecture Now! the projects are presented through photographs, sketches, architect's drawings, worksheets... Among the projects included in the latest edition are also House Turtle, designed by artists Carsten Höller and Marcel Odenbach in Biriwa, Ghana, is a dramatic house  Tadao Anda in Monterrey, Mexico or house House on the Flight of Birds by architect Bernardo Rodrigues on the island of S. Michael. Definitely a read that will be relevant all year round and not just while lying on the beach.

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