
Love is no longer important: it is the new criterion for choosing a husband

What is most important to you?

We believe that all (well, at least the vast majority) of people enter the partnership relationship because first of all fall in love and then they start to love. But apparently this happens less often than you might think, because the results of the research Do Americans marry for love or money? they say yes love is not important when choosing a husband, rather it is important FINANCIAL SECURITY.

Love is not important when choosing a husband.
Love is not important when choosing a husband.

It participated in the research 1,000 people between the ages of 18 and 40, who were asked about what was wrong with them more important to a partner relationship: love or money.

56 % Americans replied that it was more important to them financial security/money. Women (57 %) and men (54 %) answered this question similarly. Only generation X, born between 1996 and 2010, she replied that she was love is more important than money.

18-year-old girls will choose love, and 40-year-old women will choose financial security.
18-year-old girls will choose love, and 40-year-old women will choose financial security.

V similar research they also found that financial status is not so important to younger generations, but over the years it is this one component key at decision-making about who they will be with reports.

According to their data, they will 18-year-old girls choose love, Financial security for 40-year-old women.

What would you choose?

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