
New F

The exhibition is subtitled Tendencies in Slovenian Photography, which reveals its basic purpose - to present the latest achievements in the field of contemporary photography. It will take place in three parts. The first series will feature Andraž Beguš, Bojan Radovič and Aleksandra Vajdl. The placement of the trio in the joint set is conditional...

Important information
Stolp photo gallery, Židovska ulica 6, Maribor
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free

The exhibition is subtitled Tendencies in Slovenian Photography, which reveals its basic purpose - to present the latest achievements in the field of contemporary photography. It will take place in three parts. The first series will feature Andraž Beguš, Bojan Radovič and Aleksandra Vajdl. The placement of the trio in the common set is primarily conditioned by the fact that the photographer puts the theory of photography, sight and vision in the foreground. In their work, they certainly do not neglect the importance of the emergence of photography as a media image. The curator of the exhibition is Vasja Nagy.

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