
A new fashion ideology

The new British brand from the designer Nike Urbas represents a new ideology that is in line with the current global changes. Maria Moderna characterizes the woman of the new age, who is constantly active, but looks glamorous despite the lack of time. Glamor in this case is fresh and unconventional. It is a blend of classic elegance...

The new British brand from the designer Nike Urbas represents a new ideology that is in line with the current global changes. Maria Moderna characterizes the woman of the new age, who is constantly active, but looks glamorous despite the lack of time. Glamor in this case is fresh and unconventional. It is a mixture of the classic elegance of old women's dresses, practical sportswear and innovative fabric treatment. The collection includes small, quilted, multi-colored and unusual dresses, and the presence of house robes is also noticeable in the cuts. Dresses are accentuated at the waist and functional in superbly tailored lines.



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