
A new feature on Facebook will let you take a 'break' from your ex

Breakups are always painful and at that time we want to cut off all contact with a loved one, because the memories are still too fresh. But this is a little more difficult to do nowadays, because our lives are also intertwined on social networks, where we share photos, videos and common notes, which accumulate quite a lot over time. Facebook came to our aid to make it easier to start recovery.

When you change your Facebook status from “ratio"in"single”, Facebook will be through the feature Take a break prevented him from see the posts your ex and vice versa. Or maybe it's not a broken heart at all, but you just want you to certain people on Facebook can't see more so and add them to Restricted List. You can make a list of those who you do not want to see photos, videos or posts in which you are tagged.

With function Snooze you can now 'send people to 30-day sleep' if you don't want to follow their posts. For some people, daily announcements about newborns, food and the like get on their nerves, and the Snooze function comes in handy in this case.

With the Snooze function, you can 'sleep' your friend's posts for 30 days.
With the Snooze function, you can 'sleep' your friend's posts for 30 days.

However, if you purposely visit your ex's profile, Facebook cannot prevent you from doing so.

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