
New Mac: a scented candle with the scent of Apple's Mac laptop

New Mac - a candle with the smell of a new Mac.

Do you love the smell of the new? Would you like your apartment to smell like Apple's new Mac laptop, but don't actually have the money to afford one? Then we have the ideal solution for you! New Mac, a scented candle that promises the smell of a new Mac.

The smell of new it is something special, something different. There is a reason for this, as it is due to new plastics, coatings, textiles and other materials range of scents still very strong. But the smell of a new car or the smell of a new appliance many times it's not a coincidence, as many products are responsible for the recognizable smell aroma chemist. If you like them automotive industry is also hiring Apple, we don't know, but we do know that you can now afford a Mac laptop for a fraction of the price New Mac scented candle, which promised the smell of a new Apple laptop.

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New Mac scented candle.
New Mac scented candle

The shop offers fresh-smelling New Mac Twelve South in the city of Charleston (USA), which specializes in the sale of Apple accessories, and offers a candle for 21 euros. How they achieved unique scent, is not known, but they state that the scent is handmade soy candles, which are burning from 45-55 hours, achieved by mixing mint, peach, basil, lavender, tangerine and sage, and the cocktail of flavors should not contain toxic substances. So forget about the smell of lavender, cinnamon, eucalyptus, caramel, vanilla, etc., let your home smell like a new Mac!

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