
New research finds out who you can trust

Who can we trust? Who doesn't? If you are a very honest and trusting person, you probably get burned more times than you would like. Suspicious individuals, on the other hand, are less likely to be affected, which is why it is more difficult for them to enter into intimate relationships. Sometimes someone tricks our sixth sense, so it's good to rely on science as well. New research finds out who you can trust.

Who we trust and who we don't is often a far from rational decision. We refer to past experiences, and above all to someone inner feeling. He can also come to our aid science. New research finds out who you can trust. This article was published this year in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Researchers have found that there is a link between susceptibility to guilt and trustworthiness. They designed a series of scenarios based on an economic and mathematical concept called game theory.

Who is the wisest to trust?
Who is the wisest to trust?

It is a game often used by researchers of human behavior. In this game, the participants are assigned a certain sum of money. If they decide to split the money between themselves, they do money multiplies, but they have to to share. Or they can choose to keep the money for themselves, but then they don't get the extra inflow. More than participants they trust each other, higher yield they have. V studies were found to be those who had higher sense of guilt, were more trustworthy. People who easily succumb to feelings of guilt are to be trusted, probably because they hope to avoid the feeling of guilt, knew more in accordance with social conventions.

People who are quick to feel guilty are the most trustworthy
People who are quick to feel guilty are the most trustworthy

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