
A new series of Moleskin notebooks with Lego motifs

Milan-based notebook manufacturer Moleskine decides every year to send out into the world a series of sheets covered in themed covers with recognizable characters or brands. At the beginning of the year, they made us so happy with the Simpsons, when they slowed down their 25th anniversary, previously with The Hobbit, but this time they turned to the world of toys, more precisely to Lego, and created a limited series that we don't know if it will end up in bookstores or in the toy department.

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Before they appeared blogs writing (for) thoughts and ideas was much more intimately an act that left a mark only on paper and not in the boundless cybernetic galaxy. A notes, the ancestors of blogs and their derivatives, maintain their status despite being replaced by "faceless" formats. He also has a lot of credit for that Italian Moleskine, which makes it easy to get attached to the note and adopt it as faithful and always reliable companion. Because paper transfers everything, but the computer does not.

This series of notes will get under the skin of both the younger and older generations.
This series of notes will get under the skin of both the younger and older generations.

Every Moleskine note from Lego series it has a real flat Lego on the cover cube on which you can attach figurines or build something on it.

READ MORE: The Moleskine Livescribe Notebook is an iPad made of paper

In addition, Legos also come with it stickers and traditional inner pocket, where you can save them. You can choose between two to different ones two covers (both clearly with a Lego motif) and unlined and lined paper.

This is how it all started:

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