
John Legend's new video You & I (Nobody In The World) brings beauty back to all women

John Legend - You & I (Nobody In The World)

The video for John Legend's song You & I (Nobody In The World) is a mirror of today's time, when the concept of female beauty rests on stereotypes that dictate that their bodies are susceptible to constant refinement. No wonder, then, that for a woman it is almost a mission impossible to leave the mirror completely satisfied. Backed by emotionally charged lyrics, Legend's product dispels these misconceptions simply but effectively.

A smile and not the mascara or lipstick from the commercial the best makeup, which can be worn by a woman. The media that they forcibly appropriated the definition of beautiful, forced women to pursue and look for something in themselves that they already had at the start.

Beauty comes in all 'shapes and sizes'.
Beauty comes in all 'shapes and sizes'.

Perfect beauty. Legendova gentle the poem emphasizes just that and glorifies every woman and tries to break that a failed media performance, who sees beauty as attainable only through products that in exchange for purchase they offer contact with 'perfection'. But what, when for layers of lipstick, powder and dresses it already hides this perfection that women are looking for so much, but they don't see it, because the media has bent their mirrors to such an extent that they have special effects those from amusement park.

Read more: Music news of the week #29

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